Sunday, March 24, 2024

Finish line? What's a finish line?

The problem with juggling multiple projects is that each individual one can take a lot longer to make progress.  So for the past week or so I've been focusing entirely on Neon Knights and Under a Violet Moon to try to get through that last "10"% or so for each of them.

Violet Moon - after the playtest a couple weeks ago I've been making small tweaks to try to get the balance just right between the two sides.  Not sure how close I am, but better than last time, I think.  Originally I had worried that the game would be too hard for the villagers so I tried to correct for that, and in recent tests it looks like I might have overdone it a bit.  So now I'm swinging back the other way, but also (hopefully) just a bit.  Raised the threshold for eliminating suspects, changed one of the villagers' special move cards, feeling better about this.  Will show it off again next week, and if that goes well then I think it's time to start pitching to publishers.

Neon Knights - one of the things I've wanted to do before calling it done is to add more example enemies and magic items.  I've been going at a steady pace this week and I think I'm up to a good amount now.  I still need to write a few more example stunts, and I need to reread the whole thing to make sure the style and rules are consistent, and then I think that's it for the writing.  Then I find one or two proofreaders, and if they agree with me then it's time to move on to layout.  And then, someday, posting to DriveThru.

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Too many games, too little time

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