Sunday, March 10, 2024

Neon Knights: the Musical

I've been neglecting Neon Knights lately (a symptom of having too many projects at the same time) so I decided to make that my main focus for today.  I feel like I've been making some good progress with beefing up the setting description.  And as I was working on that I came across a note I wrote to myself a while back about seeing if I could come up with an "official" rule for working more music references into the Realm creation system.  What I settled on was a sidebar with two optional rules for doing this.  The one for people who love to lean on random tables and such was to shuffle a playlist and use the songs, in order, to answer the questions in the book.  Well I'm a person who loves to lean on random tables, so I'm going to take a break from the work and have a little fun playing with this myself.  I'll list the song titles and then whatever ideas they give me about how this would work for the game setting.  Let's see what I get...

1) Who is the Lord of the Realm?
Dope Hat - the current Lord of the Realm has some magical talent and is able to work technomagical machinery as well as any specialist around.  However, they also have some health problems and a fair bit of anxiety, maybe some imposter syndrome too.

2) Besides the Knights, what is something or someone else the Lord can count on?
A Secret Place - in response to the anxiety and health problems, the Lord has built themselves a private sanctuary somewhere in or near the palace that is unknown even to their own staff and advisors.

3) What is something everyone knows about the Realm’s history?
Metal Militia - back in the Before times, the pride of Realm's army was a regiment of fully autonomous robots

4) What is something everyone has forgotten about the Realm’s history?
Search and Destroy - the robots going rogue was one of the main contributors to the collapse of the old world

5) What is something from Before that still remains and is known in the Realm?
The Worriment Waltz - at some point, people discovered that one of the Realm's major adversaries (maybe the robots, maybe something else from earlier than that) was unable to comprehend music.  Thus, people developed a system of using music to encode messages.  Some of the specific songs have survived, along with at least a gist of the message they carried, although people might no longer remember why this system was developed.

6) What is a notable landmark or location within the Realm?
Scum of the Earth - there is a cave in an isolated part of the Realm that was once the refuge of notorious outlaws.  They were mutated by their time in the darkness (and exposure to whatever else was down there), and when they returned for vengeance they were barely recognizable as human.  No one lives there anymore, but the cave entrance is still kept guarded.

7) What is a notable landmark or location outside of the Realm?
Torn Apart - a great rift in the earth, said to have been formed when two Titans fought a duel that ultimately killed both of them.

8) How does the Knights’ Code in this Realm differ from the “standard” one?
Hallowed Point - Knights are encouraged to show no mercy to their adversaries

9) What is one thing the Realm needs but is lacking?
Neon Knights - the PCs are the only Knights remaining.

10) Who or what is one of the biggest threats facing the Realm now?
Missing Time - people are vanishing randomly, then reappearing some time later, maybe in a different place, completely disoriented.  Some of them can remember glimpses of what was happening when they were missing, but it'll take some work to put it all together.

11) Who or what is another potential threat?
Rain - someone has been able to put together a working weather control machine using scavenged parts of Before tech.  It's not so good with the fine tuning but it can definitely do some damage.

12) What makes the Realm such a desirable target for either (or both) of these threats?
Pathfinder - whoever these villains are, they are both looking for something within the Realm and have decided that these nefarious means are the way to get it.  Maybe it's something in that cave I mentioned earlier?

Well that was a fun experiment.  Some prompts were easier to work with than others, as is always the case with these things, but I can see how part of it are fitting together in different ways.  So yeah, that's the "playlist shuffle" option for setting creation.  I'm happy with it.

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