Sunday, November 27, 2022

Some thoughts on Legends

 So, first things first - the game that was previously The Grand Expedition has a new working title, which is Explorers of Legend.  That may or may not stick if/when the game ever gets published, but that's what it is for now, so at least I can minimize confusion for anyone who's been following this.

This game has been very much back-burnered in the last couple months while I've been getting DGE up and running and then getting ready for PAX Unplugged.  But I did spend some time thinking about it again this morning, specifically the idea of Legendaries.  One of the concerns I've had since I first had the idea to make that a central part of the revised game is how to make them feel more interesting than other Exploration cards, and I think I have that now, with two features.  The first is that each Legendary has some effect that applies throughout its Zone, such as difficulty modifiers or keywords for Exploration cards in that Zone, or other effects such as fewer actions or inability to heal while in that Zone.  These will be things that are thematically linked to the Legend in question.  The other feature is that players cannot attempt to deal with a Legendary until they have met some prerequisite, such as having traveled through a certain combination of terrain types, or having successfully Negotiated with at least one settlement or dungeon in the same Zone.  To keep things interesting, prerequisites are randomized, and some amount of exploration is required to learn what the prerequisite is for each Legendary.

Oh yeah, and going along with that I'm also thinking about changing the system for upgrading your team.  What the game has looked like so far is that each team has their starting stats and two special abilities, and about a dozen upgrades listed on their sheet that they can purchase over the course of the game.  This appeals to my RPG sensibilities, but it can be a lot to track over the course of the game (especially if you've purchased a few situation-specific upgrades and have to keep track of which ones apply when).  What I'm probably going to do with the big revision is to strip is down - each team has a couple more special abilities at the start, to help emphasize their thematic differences, and only 4-5 upgrade options.  And instead of buying upgrades with gold, you unlock one each time you win against a Legendary card.  So that's one more thing that makes those feel special too.

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