Monday, May 27, 2024

Dolomball: so about those developments...

Following up from the previous post - moving at what for me counts as "lightning speed," I put together the new cards and ran a solo test, and it worked really well.  Running through it once highlighted a bunch of annoying interactions and ambiguities that I will need to fix, but the core idea was good.  A side benefit that I noticed was that the game felt faster when playing just one card at a time than when it was sets of cards locked into a certain order and having to pause every three turns to think through the next set.  On the other hand, I noticed that, even with the overall mechanics feeling more lively and exciting now, the game still started to feel like it was dragging by the time I was about 2/3 through the deck.  Maybe it's just because it was me and two dummy players rather than three actual people interacting around the table, but for now I'm thinking that the win condition will need to be adjusted so the game ends while it's still exciting.  I'll see what happens with the next live test.

Oh, and I need to change the font again so the cards look cool but also are easy to read correctly.  It still astonishes me how much getting into game design has made me care about typefaces.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Dolomball - exciting developments

Well, exciting for me at least.  The new thing I'm trying after the last playtest is to put two different effects on each card, and you choose which one to use when you play the card (rotating it to indicate your choice - you have to commit before everyone reveals their actions for that turn).  Some of the cards just have a couple different basic options on them, others will have a basic option on one half, and the other half is stuff like being able to maneuver multiple pieces toward a target area, or reaching extra far to block an opponent's throw, or whatever other stuff I can think of.  I don't know how soon I'll have the new version ready, but hopefully it's not too long of a wait before the next test game...

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Dolomball - moving again, but need to ricochet to a different direction

Finally got a chance today to test the new version of Dolomball with a couple other players.  There were specific elements they liked, as well as the triangle grid movement, but they found it difficult to strategize effectively due to the programmed movement and the cards often moving them too far, making it too easy to overshoot a target.  The challenge for me here is how to reduce this while still making it a game about the Dolomé specifically, and not just generic meeples that I declared to be some kind of aliens.  In Bulldogs, the Dolomé have a trait called Heavy Momentum.  In the RPG this is beneficial, as it gives them a bonus to plow through obstacles once they've built up some speed; for my board game, I'm seeing it as meaning that they have difficulty stopping or changing course while running around the arena.  That's why I went with programmed movement, and why you have to move in a straight line, with ricocheting being the only way to change direction in the middle of a move.  So the next big challenge for me is to figure out how to keep this element without it being overpowering and making the game worse instead of better.  The playtesters today gave me some good ideas to start with; hopefully it doesn't take quite so long this time for me to find the right way to implement them.

Too many games, too little time

 Lots going on lately, across multiple games.  Here are the various updates for the last couple weeks: Werewolves of London got knocked out...