Sunday, November 5, 2023

Neon Knights - serious update

Finally made all the official changes I mentioned in the last post.  Approaches (now called "virtues") are updated so there's still that knightly flavor but they correspond more clearly to a given die roll, and you're only using one per roll instead of the mix-and-match thing I was trying earlier.  Not combining stats on a roll means that vehicles and mounts no longer have stats to add, so those now just give you stunts and/or Aspects while you are riding, plus the option to absorb hits that you take, and I also put in a rule for modifying die rolls when it matters that one vehicle or animal is significantly faster than another.  Hopefully this runs a lot smoother in play, with PCs still feeling powerful but not ludicrously overpowered.


In more general news, I think I have everything ready that I need for PAX Unplugged this year.  I'm looking forward to running Under a Violet Moon in the Unpub room, and meeting with a couple of publishers who didn't immediately shoot me down when I contacted them about pitch meetings.  Now I just have to wait out the next four weeks until we get there.

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Too many games, too little time

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