Sunday, June 18, 2023

Dwarven Guild of Engineers - a new feature

In the previous post I mentioned some comments that I got in the DGE live stream.  I've been pondering how to add more meat to the game, and while I haven't yet come up with anything new for "opportunities to mess with other players," I did think of a new feature that I want to test out - specializations.  Each player gets a card at the beginning of the game that says what they are especially good at, such as weapons or automated movement or small items, and they get a bonus point any time their invention fits that criterion, independent of how well it fits with the Patron's request that round (and stackable with the bonus for matching materials).  This gives players another way to strategize if they don't like their chances with the Patron, or just want a leg up on the competition.

I like the idea, but the challenge now is coming up with enough specializations for interesting variety and making sure that they are all relatively balanced with each other.  I'm spending some time on that this weekend, and we'll see how long it takes me to get a real answer that I'm satisfied with.  This might also give me some direction in coming up with new Base and Mod cards, so I can try to boost specializations that don't fit with as many of the current cards.

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