Sunday, May 28, 2023

5/28/23 - various updates

One of the design groups I'm in, Indie Game Lab, runs occasional live streams of games designed by the group members (which then get archived on YouTube).  They haven't done one in a while, but yesterday we brought it back with Dwarven Guild of Engineers.  It was fun, though scheduling issues meant we only had three players, so not as fun as it could have been with a larger group.  And I got some feedback on more things I can improve in my game that I thought was already pretty polished up.  They're not wrong though; I probably could find some sillier Bases and Modifiers, and I could probably find more opportunities for players to mess around with each others' inventions (this wasn't feedback that I got before but it really resonated with the other players yesterday, and I'm sure I could at least put something in as an optional rule).  So I've got that to ponder for a little while.  And they did say they'd like to do another episode of DGE in a month or so once I've updated it, so that's cool.

Update - the DGE video is here

In other news, I've been working on adding more content to Neon Knights - test players so far have suggested that example stunts and aspects would be helpful, and now that I've passed the threshold of "good enough for some basic alpha playtesting" I also want to put in more example adversaries and magic items (especially if I'm going to feel justified in charging actual money for this and not just pay-what-you-want).  I don't think I have a specific target for how much I want in there, although doubling what I had before would be a good start at least.  Most likely it'll be a few months of "this song title or lyric is awesome, how have I not turned into something for the game yet?"  Which, for instance, is why the most recent cartridge I added was Ride the Sky, which starts out just giving you super-jumping but can be unlocked to grant full flight and air control powers.

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Too many games, too little time

 Lots going on lately, across multiple games.  Here are the various updates for the last couple weeks: Werewolves of London got knocked out...