Lots going on lately, across multiple games. Here are the various updates for the last couple weeks:
- Werewolves of London got knocked out of the Cardboard Edison competition, which is not too surprising when they have ~350 games submitted and only take 21 finalists (which I think was still more than they usually do). But my scores do keep moving up compared with games I've submitted in previous years. Besides that, the judges who looked at Werewolves were almost unanimous in that they liked the theme, they liked the overall gameplay to the extent that they were able to assess it, but they wanted combat to work differently. So that's something for me to polish up before I start submitting this one to publishers.
- Dolomball was back on the table today, in a very stripped down form so I can get a better sense of what actually needs to be in the game and what doesn't. I got some good suggestions for that, and (with encouragement from today's playtesters) I got more comfortable with an idea that I had already been considering - dropping the link to the existing IP and no longer being constrained by trying to fit with how someone else defined their aliens in their game that, honestly, has nothing to do with my game except for my trying to shoehorn it into the same universe. I definitely appreciate the support that I got from the folks at Galileo Games as I was getting this started, but trying to stick to the Dolomé has definitely let me to make some decisions that have detracted from gameplay, so it's time to let that go. Which of course means I'm going to have to go through that title change thing again. But in any case this one is probably going back to the back burner for a while because I also need to talk about...
- Scales - a new game, this time not based on a song title but on a little pun that- I actually don't even remember how it came up. But someone said the word "scales," and I said "that should be a song about dragons learning to play musical instruments," and now I've got some rules sketched out and a 0.1 alpha prototype almost ready to go. It's a cooperative game where all of the dragons are not only learning their own instruments but also they're in a band, and the goal is to get good enough to win the battle of the bands at the school talent show. Once I have the basic materials together I need to get a test game to make sure the core gameplay works, and then I've got some bells and whistles to add, but I'll talk more about those once I know that the game is ready for me to add them (and that that's actually even the direction that it's going).
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