Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Cross one off the list

 Neon Knights is now live on DriveThruRPG!!!

That's it, that's the post.  I worked hard over the past couple of weeks, I finished the game, and I posted it. Feeling pretty good about that.  Now I can rest a bit, then back to work on all the other games.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

In which the author finds himself to be extremely busy

I may have bitten off more than I can chew here.  Lots going on, and (self-imposed) deadlines adding pressure to it.  At this moment I am working on revisions for Werewolves of London (trying to get it up to where it's worth showing to publishers at PAX Unplugged, even if it's not 100% done at that point), revisions and layout for Neon Knights (I'd really like the flyer I give out at PAXU to list it as "available now" instead of "coming soon" for the third year in a row), and also a surprise round of revisions on Under a Violet Moon (publishers are interested but want to make changes), and with all that I'm still trying not to let Dolomball fall off the radar but it still needs a decent amount of work as well after the last playtest.

And that all has to fit around the day job, and family, and not letting the house fall apart, and whatever else pops up at any moment.  At least I'm not sitting around getting bored...

Too many games, too little time

 Lots going on lately, across multiple games.  Here are the various updates for the last couple weeks: Werewolves of London got knocked out...