Sunday, January 28, 2024

Dolomball - the first test

Now that Dolomball is the new shiny, I got it far enough for the first solo test today.  With the current rules it took two rounds until the first time someone got a ball from where they start, and six rounds until the first time someone scored a goal.  That was about as far as I took it, because I'm tired and I was starting to get a headache from tracking three "players'" simultaneous moves, but it was enough to point specific situations that I need to prepare for (i.e. write rules for).  I also got a sense of the rhythm of the game - it felt slow at the start, with players just moving up toward the middle of the field where the balls start, but the excitement picked up quickly once they got there.  Probably okay to stick with the movement speeds I have now, but I'll see how it goes after some more tests.  Hopefully involving other players besides myself.

Next steps - fill in the gaps that I caught today, then work out one-time special moves and how/when you get to activate them

Further in the future I might do something with giving each team a special play they can make, but I need to get a better feel for the overall gameplay first.

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