Friday, September 8, 2023

Apparently deadlines are helpful for me?

One of the items I picked up for Free RPG Day this year was 9th Level Games' Level 1 anthology.  Apparently this is something they've been doing for a few years now, where they provide a prompt and then people submit mini-RPGs that somehow fit that prompt, and the best 15-20 of them get published in this book.  So I held that in the back of my mind as something that might be fun to do.  And then I finally got around to checking their website and saw that the deadline for this year is in just a few weeks.

Had a bit of panic, then suddenly thought of an idea that I liked, and with the pressure to get it done quickly, I have the first draft completed after only a couple days of work.  Granted, the 1000-word limit means that I don't have to make it as thorough as, say, a Fate-based game that I intend to charge actual money for and thus must have enough content to feel like I'm justified in charging actual money.  But even so, I can't think of the last time I have written this much this quickly.  I'm going to go ahead and attribute this to having an inflexible deadline.

So what's the game, you ask?  Hopefully you'll find out on Free RPG Day 2024.  But if not then I'll post it online myself in a less fancy and prestigious format.

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