Sunday, July 30, 2023

Again with the dancing

I played Under a Violet Moon again today, with one of the same players I mentioned previously who does Medieval dance as a hobby.  We tried out the group move mechanic that I had added based on his feedback last time, and he declared it successful - much better than before at capturing the feel of a dance, while maintaining the strategy elements from before.  The way it works is simple enough - there's a separate set of basic move cards, not exactly the same as the ones the players get but similar, and after both of the players have moved then everyone on the board moves according to the group card.  Because it's a dance that presumably all of the villagers know, the group cards are shuffled and then set out at the start of the game, so you can see the whole thing in order and try to work that into your strategy.  It did add a layer of complexity without overdoing it, which was nice.  And while it wasn't part of the original plan, in our game today I stumbled on the idea of only using some of the cards rather than the whole set, which would add some variation from one game to the next.  I'm happy with it.

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