Friday, May 6, 2022

TGE update 5/6/22

 I haven't been doing much design work per se in the last couple of weeks, for this game or any of my others.  What I have been doing lately is researching other games that might overlap with mine in any way that matters.  A little while back I put together a list of about 30 games that seemed like they might be similar, based on skimming their descriptions on BGG, and now I'm looking them up in more detail when I can find a little time to focus on that (which hasn't been much).  Of the ones I've examined so far, similarities have mostly been pretty superficial, e.g. there's also a hex map involved but the actual focus of the game is completely different.  I still have a dozen or so more to look into.  If you know of anything specific that might be close, drop me a line and let me know.

Next step after that - putting together the sell sheet.

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Too many games, too little time

 Lots going on lately, across multiple games.  Here are the various updates for the last couple weeks: Werewolves of London got knocked out...