Monday, March 27, 2023

Violet Moon - first playtest report

Had my first test session for this game last night, through Game Makers' Guild.  Two players, neither of whom was me, which helps.  The Faerie player had some good strategies and was able to capture six villagers before we ran out of time; the Villager player had correctly figured out who two of the four faeries were, but had not been able to maneuver them into being captured.  Overall conclusion was that the core concept is good, but the movement cards in their current form are too restrictive and work against the puzzle solving aspect of the game more than they contribute to making the puzzle interesting.  The main problem was that most of the movement cards require a specific starting position for multiple pieces before you move, which made it much harder to find ways for that move to be useful.  At the same time, they did feel that the cards supported the in-game narrative of the villagers dancing around in a circle.  So it looks like the next step from here is to either make the individual cards more flexible, or change the way movement is handled altogether (i.e. instead of "play one of the four cards in your hand," come up with a way to have more options available at all times - and based on the feedback from yesterday, it doesn't sound like just increasing hand size is the right solution).  We'll see where this leads...

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