Friday, February 10, 2023

Slowing down, and maybe picking up again

After the push to finish Neon Knights I really haven't had the brainpower to do much designing in the last couple weeks.  I mean, I think I earned a break after that, but still.  Not that it's been entirely a break - I've started a playtest on RPOL (setting creation was fun, they're still getting their characters together before the action starts), and I've also gotten recruited onto a small team designing an action/horror game that's looking fun so far, but isn't going to get too much attention on this blog for now since it's someone else's game a lot more than it is mine.

I've also been playing around with some of my other game ideas to see which one might be my next serious focus*, and today I had some inspiration after work which I think answered that question.

Under a Violet Moon is a 1v1 game about fae trying to kidnap villagers during the (unspecified) big festival.  The board is a circular grid, where the villagers dance around the maypole or central bandstand or whatever gets illustrated into that spot someday.  At the start of the game, the fae player randomly determines four of the villagers to be fae in disguise.  Players then take turns moving any pieces they want around the board; cards determine how many pieces and which way they move this turn, but not which pieces, so both players are able to move humans and fae equally.  Fae capture villagers, and villagers eliminate fae, by maneuvering them into specific positions on the board.  Fae win if they capture more than half of the villagers, and villagers win if they eliminate three out of the four fae.

Today's work was sketching out the board and the basic rules.  Next step is to design the movement cards.  Then I can start prototyping and testing.  No idea about timeline; I'm anticipating that movement cards will be one of things I get stuck on and take months until I'm satisfied with even a first attempt, but let's see what happens.


*No, I haven't forgotten about Explorers of Legend, I'm just not feeling that one currently.  I just finished a rough draft for an RPG, I need to work on lighter stuff for a while.

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