Tuesday, June 21, 2022

TGE playtest notes

 No, I'm not going to dump everything here, just sharing some thoughts that are going to feed into upcoming revisions (and also providing evidence that I am actually still working on this game).  I've had a hard enough time getting other people to help me test the game out, but yesterday I did have someone and we ran a 2-player session, which highlighted the need for some modifications when running the game with only two players.  The main issue is that it's very easy for both players to just strike out in different directions and never interact with each other for the rest of the game.  In theory that's okay if that's what they want to do, but then it's harder to adjust if circumstances change (as in yesterday's game where a powerful Threat suddenly showed up and we were too far apart to help each other with it).  The solution I'm thinking of for right now is that for any ability which depends on another player being nearby, including the basic option to give a bonus or penalty on another player's roll, the distance that counts as "nearby" will increase when there are only two players.

One other problem that reasserted itself during this test session was that of Fight being the god stat.  The other player and I had both chosen teams which start with low Fight scores, and as a result we both had a hard time collecting Loot with which to buy upgrades.  A player who started with more Fight would have quickly surpassed both of us, unless they got really unlucky with the dice and/or cards.  So the other biggest change that I have planned right now is to give out some Loot on any successful roll, while still having the chance to get more with a good Fight or Escape* roll (but not as much as under the current setup).

*oh, and Escape might get renamed to Sneak or something like that - I'm not 100% sure yet but it's sounding better the more I think about it

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