Thursday, May 19, 2022

How much do you hate yourself?

 On one hand, maybe I need to get this game design ADHD under control.  On the other hand, I went from spontaneous terrible idea to almost complete first draft over the course of this afternoon and evening.

The game is Office Coffee (and the title of this post is the tagline).  It's a light-medium filler game about office workers racing to get the last cup of caffeinated swill that will help them survive that afternoon's meeting.  It's divided into two phases.  In phase 1, players go to different areas of the office to collect dice that they'll need for phase 2.  You get different dice from the copy room, the HR office, etc.  In phase 2, everyone rolls their dice to collect points or activate other abilities.  Whoever has the fewest points gets eliminated, then everyone else rolls again, and so on until only one player is left.

And that's pretty much it.  I still need to decide what goes on the dice for each room, but as far as basic rules go I thinkI have everything I need.  We'll see where this one goes...

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Dolomball - a new season

PAX is over, Werewolves is in competition limbo, so I'm finally back to focusing on Dolomball.  I ran a test game with some minor change...