Monday, February 28, 2022

A new player at a crowded table

If you're reading this then I assume you are at least mildly curious about what this blog is about.  It's not like the world is lacking in gaming blogs right now.  So here's what this one is for: I'm an amateur RPG and board game designer working under the name "Mindermast Game Lab," and I thought it might be interesting to post publicly about my ideas and design process.  It's a little bit advertising, a little bit soliciting feedback from my presumed audience and/or other designers, and a little bit holding myself more accountable when I spend five weekends in a row saying I'm going to do some writing and then not following through.

To date, I have self-published one game - Arcanes Majeures, a tarot-themed fantasy game which plays like a cross between The Three Musketeers and Neil Gaiman's Sandman.  Uses the Fate Accelerated system.

Here are the projects I'm juggling at the moment:

  • The Grand Expedition - a competitive fantasy exploration board game.  Like running a whole D&D campaign in just an hour or two.
  • Neon Knights - heavy metal RPG blending fantasy and cassette futurism.  Uses a modified version of Fate Accelerated.
  • The Sum of its Parts - horror RPG about fragments of one person's psyche vying for control over the body they share.  Will probably use a custom rule system, but I'm not totally sure yet.
So that's where I am at the moment.  Future posts will go into more detail about each of these projects, and subsequent updates will cover what work I've done recently, what I'm getting stuck on, and maybe other things along those lines.

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Too many games, too little time

 Lots going on lately, across multiple games.  Here are the various updates for the last couple weeks: Werewolves of London got knocked out...