Monday, January 20, 2025

Dolomball: updates 1/20/25 (no clever title)

I finally figured out how I want to implement the revisions based on my playtest a couple weeks ago, so I spent a good chunk of today working on that.  Redid the cards once again, with the idea being that you get a couple of shorter moves instead of one longer one, plus a separate "special effect" that you can play whenever it's applicable (same effects as some of the cards I had before, but without feeling like you have to waste one because it's your only card with the right move distance or whatever the case might be).  Rewrote the rulebook, got the new cards mostly set up, still need to make a couple more diagrams to go on the cards before I can make the new deck (I came up with a couple more special effects that weren't there before, replacing some of the ones I took out since they don't fit with this revision).  And I also put in the moving barriers like I mentioned in my previous post.  Really excited to see those in action.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Dolomball - a new season

PAX is over, Werewolves is in competition limbo, so I'm finally back to focusing on Dolomball.  I ran a test game with some minor changes following from the previous playtest, six months ago, and it looks like I'm moving in the right direction of having a good fast-paced strategy game but I'm not there yet.  Got some good ideas from today's game though, for some more radical changes that I think will take it much further.  Both of the test players agreed that the most fun aspect of the game in its current form was ricocheting, so that needs to get amped up next time.  Current idea is to add a few straight panels which start out in the middle of the board but which players can rotate and shift during the game to block opponents or set themselves up for fun trick shots.  I'm looking forward to seeing how that one works out.

Other ideas brewing as well, but I'll wait until after the next test to talk about those.

Too many games, too little time

 Lots going on lately, across multiple games.  Here are the various updates for the last couple weeks: Werewolves of London got knocked out...