Sunday, August 27, 2023

New title reveal

Just a minor update here, following up from the previous post.  After much beating my head against the wall and also doing the relatively smart thing of seeing what relevant others think, I have my new title for the game that used to be DGE:

Dwarven Engineers: A Game of Preposterous Prototypes and Implausible Explanations

It's still the same game, but hopefully this title does better for setting expectations.  Now to update the tags on the blog and then write a new game synopsis for the next competition I'm submitting it to.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

DGE: Here we go again...

I ran another playtest of DGE today with a different group.  Went well overall, people enjoyed the core gameplay, but there was one comment in particular that filled me with dread - consider changing the name.

I get the reasoning for it - Dwarven Guild of Engineers sounds, at least to some players, like it should be a medium or heavy strategy game, and it very much is not that (my synopsis for the group also wasn't clear enough about what the game would actually be, which didn't do me any favors).  It's one thing if it's just me breaking this out when my friends come over, but if I want to reach a wider audience, which I do, then it needs to be as easy as possible for them to know what they are getting into right from the start.  So now I'm in the same position I was with The Grand Expedition/Explorers of Legend give or take a year ago.  Even more so actually, since I actually like this title instead of just "meh, I guess it'll work" and then getting used to it.

So I need a new title now.  And a new elevator pitch for the game.

And maybe also to just lose the Goblin deck already, because I think after hearing enough different people tell me they didn't think it added much to the gameplay it's time for me to really take that into consideration.  Even with as many iterations as that deck has gone through.

Let's see how long it takes me to figure this one out...

Too many games, too little time

 Lots going on lately, across multiple games.  Here are the various updates for the last couple weeks: Werewolves of London got knocked out...